Programme of CSRG work-in-progress sessions | Summer Term 2014

29/04 – Nicola Clewer
The Holocaust and the Sublime: From Adorno’s “after-Auschwitz” aporia to the “memory industry’s” turn to affect

06/05 – Zeina Maasri
Beirut’s Cosmopolitan Promise: Graphic Design between the National and the Transnational

13/05 – Tim Huzar
Neoliberalism, Democracy and the Library as a Radically Inclusive Space

20/05 – Toby Lovat
Why is there something rather than nothing? On Meillassoux

27/05 – Will Hughes
Arthur Danto’s ‘End of Art’: The End of Modernism as Telos of Art History

03/06 – Megan Archer
Biopolitics: the extension of techniques of power into digitized life

10/06 – Jeremy Evans
Human Animal Rights: the space for radical municipalities

Everybody welcome. All sessions are at 1-2pm, room B5 Pavilion Parade.


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